Saturday 16 August 2014



So I am more than aware that the chances of anyone actually reading this (ever) are so slim that there seems almost no point. HOWEVER it is almost two am and if you don't do things you will later regret at two am then it isn't really two am. Maybe, possibly, yet probably not, if this blog ever takes off someone will scroll down, find this and picture my young self sat here wondering exactly what this is meant to be.

Are introductions necessary? I am thinking maybe this will be a secret blog (for the excitement of such a thing) but for the sake of introductions; I'm Charlotte. That's all that's really important because no one will ever read this anyway, right? I am Charlotte and I don't know what or why I am sat here writing it (especially when I just got upgraded to a D lister on the Kim Kardashian game??!??!!). I like books, like I really like books. I also like sleeping and music and basically the usual which is why I am already boring myself writing this.

Potentially, I want to post reviews of books and talk to you just about my life in general because whether anyone ever reads this but me, I want to document my life so I won't be as likely to forget the small things. I am 100% well aware that you and me both have cringed about 500x so far but hey, this is my first shot!

So, I uh hope you are doing good... I am too.

Charlotte x